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Blue Christmas

Blue? Yes, blue as the blues. As in "I am feeling blue." Then we invite you to join us on December 19th @ 5:30

Not everyone is up and cheery for the Christmas Holidays. Dealing with the death of a one, facing life after divorce or separation, coping with the loss of a job, living with cancer or some other disease that puts a question mark on the future, and a number of other human situations make parties and joviality painful for many people during the holiday season. We will have a service on December 19th for those who are feeling "Blue" this Christmas.

We want to create a sacred space for people living through dark times. We want to reflect on our grief and loss. We want to accept where we really are and holding out healing hands and hope. We invite you to bring a Christmas ornament that reminds you of the loss or grief you are feeling and during the service you will be invited to place it on the "Blue Christmas Tree."

We hope you will join us for service.

November 20

Holiday Food Drive

December 21

All Church Christmas Party